Monday 9 May 2011

Mashaal - Part of life I understand better

 Atticus knows his battle is lost before he begins the court case, but he knows he has to fight the good fight. He knows he must stand up for truth even though he might be putting himself at risk in doing so. This has taught me to stand up for whats right even if they are little things. Struck by Atticus`s gentle manner, his fair hand when it came to discipline, and by his courage in facing the odds as a way of teaching his children that even when the world is unfair, cruel, it is still hard to retain one’s dignity, and to ensure the dignity of others, too. The world can be cruel, and that the attitudes and ideas that people hold can be used to cause others pain. But, that holding one’s truth to defend others, and to preserve the humanity of all, even those who would call themselves your enemies, is what it means to be people of justice, and individuals of a better world.  I’ve always thought Atticus was a model of great parenting. The line from the book, which went something like “Atticus was the same out in public, as he was at home” captured the true beauty of the character. The power of Finch's personality lies in the fact that he stands serving for the values that make for a decent society. His refusal to tolerate belief without basis, his extent to see that each of us is are equal enough to be treated with dignity, and his courage to take a stand against ignorance


  1. Mike: Wow I never knew you would like to become a lawyer, well it would be a good job to get in to for sure. But anyways about your article here, yeah Atticus Finch did know he was not going to have a fair chance just because his client was black which I think and most of the world now thinks is really wrong because there is no difference between white or black coloured skin. I mean... we are all human

  2. Saleha: That is a good argument but not everyone has the courage to go against the majority to go against majority of people,Atticus' sister even said he shouldn't fight the case because it can ruin their family's name. So you need a lot of confidence and a lot of proof.
