Monday, 9 May 2011

Mashaal - My thoughts on the book

I enjoyed To Kill a Mockingbird. The beginning was slow for me as I struggled to figure out what on earth was going on and who was narrating. The funniest part was when i figured out that Scout was a girl! I knew I was going to love this book when I hit chapter 2 and Scout went to school and the teacher told her to tell her father to stop teaching her how to read. The story overall took a much different direction than I was expecting, which is always exciting. I was certain that Boo Radley was going to come out and hurt one of the kids. Then when the trial took over, I sort of forgot about Boo Radley and was worried about all of the angry people in the town. I was really afraid Jem was going to be killed, And then Boo Radley saved them! Kind of proves my belief that you never know what's going on in other people's homes... things may seem to look bad on the outside, but you just never know. I think that you can take many approaches to this book I would point out the Atticus Finch is probably one of the most upstanding characters in all of literature.  Harper Lee's work is nearly required reading for so many children in schools across the nation.  Part of this is because of Atticus and his ability to be a moral constant in a time of uncertainty.  When so many sacrificed their own moral of the good, Atticus stood up for racial equality and justice in a time and setting where these values were quickly abandoned by so many.  I think that this is a reason why the book gained and still gains so much popular support and respect.  The feeling of admiration for Atticus is an undeniable one.  As the reader, we can only hope that we would and do embody Atticus' moral stature and commitment to the democratic ideal he presents.  Tolerance and justice for all are values that die out unless there are individuals who are willing to stand and sacrifice for them and Atticus does this. Atticus' character and actions helps to change the way people think.

1 comment:

  1. Mike: lol I felt the same way as to when you said, '' I enjoyed To Kill a Mockingbird. The beginning was slow for me as I struggled to figure out what on earth was going on and who was narrating.'' I said pretty well the same thing lol
