Thursday, 26 May 2011

Mashaal - Is Atticus Finch a good father?

I believe that Atticus Finch is an astoundingly well adjusted father for many reasons. First of all because he was a single parent with two children, he still managed time for his kids Jem and Scout. He is also a strict in discipline. As well he is a very brave and honest man. Atticus Finch is a single parent working a hard job to bring in enough income to pay his maid and supply the needs for his children. He is away most of the day at the courthouse defending his clients. Even though his job sometimes required long hours, he still made time to read to his daughter at bedtime and play ball with his son. Atticus would be considered very strict, and he was but he still allowed his children to have fun, especially during the summer despite how much trouble they got into. He was also able to raise two children by himself in the best environment he can provide, he is also able to pay his maid who he considered a member of the family. While raising his children he has taught them good morals and proper manners of how to behave in life. For all these reasons and more is why Atticus Finch makes a great father.

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