Monday, 16 May 2011

Alex is VERY MAD

Just so Mr Heneky knows, because if I hadn't saved my work on my computer, I would have lost it. Someone deleted my post about what the book had taught me. It was over 300 words just like the teacher asked. I know it wasn't Mike, because he wouldn't do anything like this. So I don't know who it was, but I do have an idea of who it is. I reposted it so it's okay :), but if it happens again, there are going to be problems...


  1. Maybe your computer was just messed up.. dont blame people.

  2. Mike: yeah man i dont blame you to be mad, who ever did this should grow up and get a life

  3. Alex: I refreshed my page and it wasn't there anymore..? So it obviously wasn't my computer's fault, I'm just lucky that I saved them on my computer lol
